Pocos eran los oficios que podía desempeñar las mujeres. Están entre ellos el de maestra o el de matrona. Durante la Segunda República, entre 1931 y 1936, se produce un avance. La Constitución vigente firmada el 9 de diciembre de 1931 permitió una educación mixta; también se permitió el voto femenino a partir de ese mismo año. El feminismo español de momento no aspiraba a tanto derechos políticos como individuales (igualdad social). Se buscaba el sufragio universal de ambos sexos y lo referente a una edcuación femenina con las mismas posibilidades que los hombres.
En 1934 se crea la exibición femenina de las JONS: organismo destinado a la asistencia de los presos políticos y de las familias de los caídos en las luchas callejeras.

La mujer se encontraba en una situación de subordinación respecto al hombre en dos aspectos:
1º) En las leyes:
- La mujer casada pasaba a depender legalmente del marido y por tanto perdía su autonomía personal y laboral.
- Necesitaba la autorización del marido para desempeñar un trabajo, para firmar un contrato o para realizar compras que fueran más allá del consumo doméstico (la compra).
- Su salario era controlado por su pareja, según la legislación.
- Además, las mujeres podían ser condenadas legalmente si desobedecían o insultaban al marido.
- Si un hombre mataba o agredía a su mujer solo tenía como castigo un corto destierro; en cambio, la mujer podía ser condenada a prisión perpetua.
2º) En la sociedad:
- El estereotipo (la imagen) de la mujer se reducía al ámbito doméstico. La mujer debía ser “el ángel del hogar” o la “dulce esposa”. Si cualquier mujer se salía de esta imagen era duramente criticada y ridiculizadas por la sociedad, por hombres y mujeres.
Con el inicio de la Guerra Civil en julio de 1936, la mujer se vio de nuevo recluída al hogar, a la maternidad y la educación se diferenció de nuevo por sexos acabando con todos los avances logrados en la Segunda República; explicado por el corte ideológico franquista.
In the twentieth century Spain woman was the hub of the family and housewife, transmitting traditional values and cared for the children. Despite the existence of compulsory primary education since the nineteenth century, the female school absenteeism was high and the families prefered the boys to be at school.
There were few jobs that women could do. They are matron or midwife. During the Second Republic, between 1931 and 1936, a breakthrough occurs. The current Constitution was signed on December 9, 1931 allowed for a coeducation; the female vote was also allowed from the same year. The Spanish feminism time did not aspire to both political rights and individual (social equality).They want universal suffrage of both sexes and a female with the same opportunities as men.
In 1934 was created the female exhibition ‘’de las JONS’’: organism destinated to the help of political prisioners and families of people dead en street fights.
The woman was in a subordinate position relative to men in two ways:
1) In the laws:
- The wife depend on the husband and she loose her personal and laboral autonomy.
- She needed her husband's authorization to perform a job, to sign a contract or to make purchases that go beyond domestic consumption.
- His salary was controlled by their partner, according to the legislation.
- In addition, women could legally be convicted if they disobeyed or insulted her husband.
- If a man killed or assaulted his wife only had a short exile as punishment; instead, she could be sentenced to life imprisonment.
2nd) In the society
- The stereotype (the image) is reduced women to the domestic sphere. The woman should be "the angel of the home" or "sweet wife". If any woman out of the image was severely criticized and ridiculed by society, men and women.
With the start of the Civil War in July 1936, she was again confined to home, maternity and education again differed by sex killing all the progress made in the Second Republic; Franco explained by ideological court.
In the twentieth century Spain woman was the hub of the family and housewife, transmitting traditional values and cared for the children. Despite the existence of compulsory primary education since the nineteenth century, the female school absenteeism was high and the families prefered the boys to be at school.
There were few jobs that women could do. They are matron or midwife. During the Second Republic, between 1931 and 1936, a breakthrough occurs. The current Constitution was signed on December 9, 1931 allowed for a coeducation; the female vote was also allowed from the same year. The Spanish feminism time did not aspire to both political rights and individual (social equality).They want universal suffrage of both sexes and a female with the same opportunities as men.
In 1934 was created the female exhibition ‘’de las JONS’’: organism destinated to the help of political prisioners and families of people dead en street fights.
The woman was in a subordinate position relative to men in two ways:
1) In the laws:
- The wife depend on the husband and she loose her personal and laboral autonomy.
- She needed her husband's authorization to perform a job, to sign a contract or to make purchases that go beyond domestic consumption.
- His salary was controlled by their partner, according to the legislation.
- In addition, women could legally be convicted if they disobeyed or insulted her husband.
- If a man killed or assaulted his wife only had a short exile as punishment; instead, she could be sentenced to life imprisonment.
2nd) In the society
- The stereotype (the image) is reduced women to the domestic sphere. The woman should be "the angel of the home" or "sweet wife". If any woman out of the image was severely criticized and ridiculed by society, men and women.
With the start of the Civil War in July 1936, she was again confined to home, maternity and education again differed by sex killing all the progress made in the Second Republic; Franco explained by ideological court.
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