La película nos presenta la batalla de Clara Campoamor, la mujer que consiguió el sufragio femenino en España.
En el año 1931, en España se proclama la Segunda República. En este contexto, las mujeres son elegibles pero no pueden votar. Clara Campoamor y Victoria Kent son las primeras mujeres diputadas que pisan las cortes y se plantean muy firmemente luchar por los derechos de la mujer. Clara Campoamor sabe que eso pasa por una primera y gran conquista: el voto femenino. A partir de este momento, su lucha no es nada fácil. Muy pronto encuentra su primer obstáculo: sus propios compañeros de partido, republicanos, de izquierdas, temen que las mujeres voten influenciadas por la iglesia y, por ello, a la derecha, así que le dan la espalda. Ese argumento se generaliza y hace que Clara Campoamor se vaya quedando sola en el parlamento en su defensa del sufragio universal. Después de una lucha constante, y después de múltiples traiciones, el 1 de diciembre de 1931, Campoamor consigue su objetivo: el voto para la mujer.
Aquí os dejamos un link para ver el tráiler de Clara Campoamor: la mujer olvidada.
A little summary:
The movie show us the Clara Campoamor's battle, the women who achieve the female suffrage in Spain.
In 1931, the Second Republic began in Spain. In this context, women are eligibles but they can't vote. Clara Campoamor and Victoria Kent are the first congresswoman who arrive to the courts and they consider to fight for women's rights. Clara Campoamor knows that this pass over a first and a a great conquest: the female vote. Then, her fight isn't easy at all. She find her first obtacle soon: her own party partners, republicans, leftist, they are afraid about women fall under church's influence and, for that, to the rightist, so they turn their back on. This argument spread around all of them and Clara Campoamor was alone in the parliament in her fight to the universal suffrage. After a constant fight, and before of multiple high treasons, the 1st of December in 1931, Campoamor gets her goal: the female vote.
Here you have a link to watch the trailer of Clara Campoamor: la mujer olvidada.
A little summary:
The movie show us the Clara Campoamor's battle, the women who achieve the female suffrage in Spain.
In 1931, the Second Republic began in Spain. In this context, women are eligibles but they can't vote. Clara Campoamor and Victoria Kent are the first congresswoman who arrive to the courts and they consider to fight for women's rights. Clara Campoamor knows that this pass over a first and a a great conquest: the female vote. Then, her fight isn't easy at all. She find her first obtacle soon: her own party partners, republicans, leftist, they are afraid about women fall under church's influence and, for that, to the rightist, so they turn their back on. This argument spread around all of them and Clara Campoamor was alone in the parliament in her fight to the universal suffrage. After a constant fight, and before of multiple high treasons, the 1st of December in 1931, Campoamor gets her goal: the female vote.
Here you have a link to watch the trailer of Clara Campoamor: la mujer olvidada.
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